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Tomb Raider: Anniversary

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Rise of The Tomb Raider

Shadow of the Tomb Raider


发表时间:2012/06/30 00:00:00  来源:古墓丽影网站  作者:马宁  浏览次数:6843  
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Step01. Totec against the railing, and let Lara killing herself, and from Totec Standing position reborn!
第01步. 让托泰克紧贴游戏开始处的栏杆,并且让劳拉自杀,并且这时劳拉会从托泰克的站位处复活!


Step02. When Lara is reborn, jumping out to the outside of railing, let Totec going to die, and Totec could be reborn from Lara standing position!
第02步. 当劳拉复活时,要紧按下“左键+跳键”,跳出了栏杆,这时再让托泰克去死,并且托泰克也能复活于此时正穿过栏杆在外场的劳拉站位处!

Step03. Lara and Totec keep going front at outside area, still here stop twice guy's feet.
第03步. 劳拉和托泰克一直向前进方向进发,即左上角一直走,直到走到下图这里停下脚步。

Step04. Let Totec at cliff stand and don't move, Lara hook Totec and hanging rope longer and more longer, still Lara be safe fall down the bottom area. Then let Totec going to die. and from bottom Lara standing position reborn.
第04步. 让托泰克站在崖边且保持站好不动状态,劳拉此时再钩住托泰克悬吊绳索,放长绳子,一直放到很长,直到劳拉安全的下垂落至底部透明的安全平台上。这时再让托泰克去死。并且他会从此时底部劳拉的站位处复活。

Step05. Let Lara and Totec keep going to here, stop twice guy feets. Now, Let them going "right+up" direction to end.
第05步. 让劳拉和托泰克朝右上角方向前进到下图这里,停下两人脚步。现在,让他们再向右上方向走到尽头处。

Step06. It's here, Totec standing don't move, Lara first falling down to the bottom, and let Totec going to die, so reborn from Lara meantime standing position.
第06步. 就是这里,让托泰克站住别动,劳拉先行一步钩住托泰克垂吊下至安全的底部,再让托泰克去死,将重新复活在此时劳拉站立处。(这时已经来到尖刺阵处!)

Step07. When two guys alive from bottom, up going to the here, and let Lara against the Iron railings door, let Totec going to die, Control Totec reborn time click more and more fast click ("left down "direction + jumping). so Totec reborn and through outside the Iron railings door, now let Lara going to die again. and Lara form this time Totec standing position reborn. OK, Now Two guys - Both of them togeter outside the Iron railings door.
第07步. 当两人一起活着到达底部时,双人一起从左上方的台阶往上走来到下图这里。将劳拉紧贴铁网门,再让托泰克去死,并及时控制托泰在复活的一瞬间,快速不停地点按下“左下方向”+“跳键”。因此托尖锐重新复活且及时穿过铁网门,到达铁网门之外的左侧,现在,再让劳拉去死。并且劳拉将会从此时托泰克的复活站位处复活。好,现在两人都穿过了铁网门。

Step08. Let Totec shoot two spear like this, and Totec going back little distance, then let Lara going to die, "Warning: here can't be going "left+down" direction ,because there will be must die area. If you don't believe me, you could be watch Lara and Totec both of them dead man walking!" Control Lara this time reborn ,click more and more fast click ("right" direction + jumping), Oh yeah! Lara will outside the railing and stand up the spear, that's all right!
第08步. 让托泰克射两根矛至下图中这里,并且让托泰克向回走一点距离紧贴栏杆,这时再让劳拉去死(警告:下图中此时此刻,是不可以向左下角方向进发的,这里不知何故会成为必死区域,不相信的话,大家可以去试试)。及时控制劳拉复活时的按键,按下“右键”+“跳键”跳出,喔,天哪!劳拉将会穿过了栏杆跳上了托泰克插的矛上!

Step09. Lara jump to the second spears, and readly to jump out...
第09步. 让劳拉跳上第二根矛上,并且准备跳出…

Step10. Lara jump out and hook Totec, like this way, and safe falling down the bottom stair, and let Totec going to die, soon reborn from meantime Lara standing position. next mission, let two guys going to the last lifting platform and touching the ending bridge to reaching 1/3 bridge. then Both of them going up the last lifting platform, and the next time, Lara will show you the 10 times hooks over ending 1/3 bridge, to falling down safe ending 1/3 bridge!
第10步. 劳拉跳出后及时钩住托泰克,像下图中这样,将安全掉落至底部阶梯坡道上,并且再让托泰克紧跟着去死,不久他将重新复活于此时此刻劳拉站位处。下个任务,让两人去最后一处悬吊着的悬台处,并且让其中一人触碰悬台,触发出关末大桥伸出仅1/3的提示画面。然后,双人再一起登上悬吊着的悬台,并且紧接着,劳拉将演示出非常强大的10次钩绳,弹射飞弹式,飞至关末处仅伸出1/3的大桥上,并且是安全抵达至大桥上!

Step11. Tow guys going the last missions before...
第11步. 双人即将完成最后的任务之前…

Step12. Totec plays hook-woods, and Lara plays 10 times hooking human missile, Oh yeah! About near 10 times "hooking" + "jumping out"+ "up direction", this action is very hard to control and mastery, so you must be more training again. at last, Lara will be first arrived on the just only reach 1/3 ending bridge.
第12步. 托泰克充当着钩绳木桩的角色,并且劳拉充当着10次钩绳,弹射飞人导弹的角色,喔,耶!大约需要近10次的钩绳弹射,即按“抛钩键”+“跳键”+“上方向键”,这个动作非常的难以控制和难以掌握,因此大家需要在此地多训练。在最后,劳拉将成功地率先抵达至仅伸出1/3的关末大桥上。

Step13. Lara first on the just only reach 1/3 ending bridge.
第13步. 劳拉率先抵达仅伸出1/3的关末大桥上。

Step14. Togeter climbing rope. Totec will bomb a traping thorn roller Trigger at the Bridge.
第14步. 双人合作爬绳。托泰克爬上绳后,将炸毁一处在关末大桥上的,陷阱滚筒机关触发器。

Step15. Totec bomb a traping thorn roller Trigger.
第15步. 托泰克正炸毁着这一处陷阱滚筒机关触发器。

Step16. Totec camel Lara, and enter the cave, clearance.
第16步. 托泰克驼着劳拉,高兴的进入洞穴,过关。

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