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Tomb Raider

The Dagger of Xi'an

Adventures of Lara Croft

The Last Revelation

Tomb Raider: Chronicles

The Angel of Darkness

Tomb Raider: Legend

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古墓丽影8 地下世界 tomb raider Underworld
劳拉与光之守护着 光明守护者 Lara Croft and The Guardian Of Light
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劳拉与奥西里斯神庙 Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris
古墓丽影:崛起 Rise of The Tomb Raider
古墓丽影:暗影 Shadow of the Tomb Raider

Tomb Raider: Anniversary

Tomb Raider: Underworld




Rise of The Tomb Raider

Shadow of the Tomb Raider

官方博客 - 25周年庆:系列特色 - 武器(英文原稿)

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【古墓丽影网站】25周年庆:系列特色 - 武器


  Franchise Feature: The Arsenal

  Lara Croft has learned to be prepared for anything, and in part that means not leaving home without a piece from her extensive arsenal. Being one of few privy to the secrets held captive by history, she has learned that there is no such thing as a routine archeological excavation.

  Dual pistols were part of Lara Croft’s early DNA, so much that they’ve become standalone symbols for the franchise. Twin uzis and magnums, the shotgun, and the grenade launcher were common in the Core Design games, along with the occasional more exotic firearm. Cheat codes in the Core games threw pacing out the window, allowing early access to powerful weapons and unlimited ammo.

  Angel of Darkness saw Lara working to clear her name of murder, caught in flight without her trusty dual pistols. Fans were quick to patch them back in through mods, though. The dual pistols return in Legend, Anniversary, and Underworld, as did various rifles, SMGs, shotguns, and explosive artillery. Lara also wreaked havoc with mythical weapons when given the opportunity.

  The rebooted universe marked a shift for the franchise, retiring the dual pistols in a dramatic move to make a new mark. Lara was given a history in archery as part of a university club called the Sisters of Artemis. When stranded on Yamatai, her natural course of action was to scavenge a bow from a corpse, and later learn to craft them from found resources. The bow is a silent and deadly weapon that also works as a tool for creating rope bridges or climbing footholds. This played into the rebooted themes of survival and resourcefulness, blurring the lines between gear and weaponry.

  Check out Lara’s impressive armory below.


  · Dual Pistols: Iconic, effective, and unlimited. Always ready for action, it would take some time to bring down bigger baddies, but they were reliable in a tight spot.

  · Uzis: Also called mini SMGs, Uzis were a sliver stronger that Lara’s pistols, but the fire rate is what made them an attractive option.

  · The Full Arsenal: Dual Pistols, Shotgun, Magnums, Uzis


  · Grenade Launcher: Capable of taking down most enemies in a single shot, the grenade launcher was equal parts devastating and comical when used, causing foes (or wildlife) to explode into huge pieces upon impact.

  · Harpoon Gun: Allowing for underwater combat, the inclusion protected Lara from sharks, scuba divers, barracuda, and more.

  · The Full Arsenal: Dual Pistols, Shotgun, Uzis, Automatic Pistols, M16, Grenade Launcher, Harpoon Gun


  · Desert Eagle: Packing a massive punch and great for boss encounters, Lara used the Desert Eagle with both hands to accommodate for the recoil.

  · Rocket Launcher: Great for taking out enemies at a distance, ammo was often scarce and required reloading between each round.

  · The Full Arsenal: Dual Pistols, Shotgun, Uzis, Desert Eagle, Harpoon Gun, Grenade Launcher, MP5, Rocket Launcher


  · Crossbow: When combined with the laser sight, the crossbow became the first weapon that allowed precision aiming, and included multiple ammo types – normal, poison, and explosive.

  · The Full Arsenal: Dual Pistols, Uzi, Revolver, Shotgun, Grenade Launcher, Crossbow


  · Revolver: The Revolver could also be combined with the laser sight to aim manually, packing lots of power in the six-shot chamber.

  · The Full Arsenal: Dual Pistols, Shotgun, Uzis, HK Gun, Desert Eagle, Revolver


  · Dart SS & K2 Impactor: These were two silent and non-lethal options for taking out guards in the Louvre, a first for the franchise.

  · The Full Arsenal: M-V9, Vector-R35, Desert Ranger, Dart SS, K2 Impactor, V-Packer, Mag Vega, Rigg 09, Viper SMG, Scorpion X


  · Hand Grenades: When a grenade launcher wasn’t around, Lara proved her arm was just as effective.

  · Excalibur: In addition to its historical and metaphysical value, Excalibur granted awesome power with unlimited range and one-hit kills.

  · The Full Arsenal: Dual Pistols, MG415 SMG, RC650 Assault Rifle, Shotgun, Grenade Launcher, Hand Grenades, Excalibur


  · Shotgun: A steadfast choice for close-range combat, the shotgun was effective against human and non-human foes alike.

  · The Full Arsenal: Dual Pistols, Shotgun, Dual 50-Caliber Pistols, Dual Mini SMGs


  · Sticky Grenades: An updated take on the classic, sticky grenades made it pointless for enemies to dive for cover.

  · Mjolnir: After proving worthy – by recovering Thor’s twin gauntlets and the belt that powers them – Lara was able to wield the mythical hammer, throwing enemies in the air with each energy blast.

  · The Full Arsenal: Dual Pistols, Uzis, Shotgun, A12 Carbine Assault Rifle, Tranquilizer Gun, Spear Gun, Sticky Grenades, Mjolnir


  · Bow: Lara uncovered a variety of bows in Tomb Raider, all of which had combat and traversal applications. The primary combat perk of the bow was the ability to perform silent takedowns, letting her get the best of better armed and outfitted foes.

  · The Full Arsenal: Dual Pistols (Temporary), Makeshift Bow, Recurve Bow, Compound Bow, Competition Bow (Arrows: Rope, Fire, Napalm, Explosive, Penetrating), Semi-Automatic Pistol, Tactical Pistol, Magnum Pistol, WWII SMG, Assault Rifle, Commando Rifle, Trench Shotgun, Pump-Action shotgun, Combat Shotgun, Axe


  · Craftables: Part of the evolved crafting system in Rise of the Tomb Raider, Lara could use found items combined with up to 16 unique resources to craft everything from Molotov cocktails to shrapnel grenades on the fly.

  · The Full Arsenal: Makeshift Bow, Recurve Bow, Compound Bow, Ancient Horn Bow, (Arrows: Rope, Poison, Fire, Napalm, Grenade, Cluster Bomb, Broadhead), Nagant Revolver, Semi-Auto Pistol, Heavy Pistol (Normal, Hollowpoint), Assault Rifle, SMG, Bolt Action Rifle, Military Rifle (Grenade Mount), Pump Action Shotgun, Break-Action Shotgun, Full-Auto Shotgun, Tactical Shotgun (Normal, Dragonfire Shells), Axe, Molotov Cocktails, Smoke Grenades, Shrapnel Grenades


  · More Craftables: The crafting system in Shadow of the Tomb Raider was expanded, giving Lara the ability to craft outfits with various bonuses and effects. Some crafted outfit parts can be mixed and matched so that you're no longer locked into full outfits. Each part has unique stats which allow you to optimize her stats to your playstyle. There are also new tools like Fear Arrows, Improvised Grenades, Molotov Cocktails, and the ability to add attachments and upgrades to weapons.

  · Full Arsenal: Recurve Bow, Six Sky’s War Bow, Serpentwood Bow, Atlatl Bow, Heart of the Eagle, Viper Bite Bow, Puka Huk’s Bow, AB.45, J&D Model 27, C&T S55, River Hawk, NEF-14, Vicar Mark II, PN-TF267, GF RAL, WASP 11, Redding Bolt-Action, Bishop 600, WHWS-16, TAEV 16, Makeshift Knife, Reinforced Knife, Finely Crafted Knife, Jaguar Fang

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