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Tomb Raider

The Dagger of Xi'an

Adventures of Lara Croft

The Last Revelation

Tomb Raider: Chronicles

The Angel of Darkness

Tomb Raider: Legend

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古墓丽影8 地下世界 tomb raider Underworld
劳拉与光之守护着 光明守护者 Lara Croft and The Guardian Of Light
古墓丽影9 tomb raider 2013
劳拉与奥西里斯神庙 Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris
古墓丽影:崛起 Rise of The Tomb Raider
古墓丽影:暗影 Shadow of the Tomb Raider

Tomb Raider: Anniversary

Tomb Raider: Underworld




Rise of The Tomb Raider

Shadow of the Tomb Raider


发表时间:2011/11/25 00:00:00  来源:“ZZer”转载  作者:tigerste  浏览次数:3949  
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Crimbo Lara

Submitted on: December 30, 2012
Image Size: 271 KB
Resolution: 750×1000

A christmas render that I've just completed using Miss Croft. THe fur on the outfit is real, thanks to the amazing LAMH plugin available at DAZ.

Lara at the Opera

Submitted on: November 23, 2012
Image Size: 336 KB
Resolution: 750×1000

Was about time I did another Lara render. This one was inspired by her opera house visit in TR2, with a classier twist!

Mid-Air Mauve Lara

Submitted:September 22 2012
Image Size: 327 KB
Resolution: 1280×720

My first widescreen render! An action shot of my Genesis Lara, having tweaked the morph a little.


 Lara's Shadow - The Doppelganger


Submitted:September 17 2012
Image Size: 553 KB
Resolution: 600×900

My first rendition of doppie, with my Genesis Lara morph - tried to create the illusion that she was in Helheim!


Lara DOF - Genesis Reload

Submitted:September 8 2012
Image Size: 4.9 MB
Resolution: 1500×2000

As I've update Lara to Genesis, I thought I would replicate one of my previous renders to see how she compares - she's definitely more realistic now!


Genesis Lara - Reborn


Submitted:September 2 2012
Image Size: 3.5 MB
Resolution: 1190×1684

Completely rebuilt Lara for Genesis, no GenX morphs used, only morph dials and Sabby Zoe for V5 character from Rendo as a base. Texture is Zoey V5 by Raiya. Really happy with how she turned out!


Genesis Lara

Submitted:July 26 2012
Image Size: 154 KB
Resolution: 700×900

Was about time I did another Lara, this time with custom, patriotic bikini texture. Also transferred to Genesis using GenX and some minor tweaking through dials.
Only post work was to add smoke and blend a couple of layer styles.


Lara's Shadow - Jungle Stylee!

Submitted:February 7 2012
Image Size: 287 KB
Resolution: 750×1000

Another Lara, no post work. My first proper Reality 2 render!
DS4A > Reality 2 > LuxRender


Lara Portrait

October 31 2011
258 KB

A Portrait of Ms Croft - wanted to experiment with using metal as makeup, increased the bump on the lips.
Thought the circle gobo worked quite well with the image
Created in DS3A, output to LuxRender via Reality 1.25


What you looking at?

October 31 2011
204 KB

Another Lara render, just testing some metal settings - believe it or not, this is copper with custom reflection and highlights
Rendered in Lux Render 0.8 and 0.9 Dev (I suspect the fireflies are due to experimentation with 0.9, renders faster but seems to add noise) through DAZ Studio Plugin Reality 1.25


Girl With The Golden Gun

October 8 2011
353 KB

Latest in my Lara series and first play with dynamic cloth. Dress is a modified version of the OptiTex Braxton/90s Dress, special thanks to Martin!
Rendered in LuxRender using fantastic Reality 1.25 plugin for DAZ Studio


Jungle Lara

September 30 2011
206 KB

A more complicated scene using the Enchanted Forest set and my Lara morph with Treasure Hunter costume.
Used the fantastic Reality for DAZ Studio plugin to output to LuxRender and also the Reality fog prop - still a little grainy but adds a bit of softness to the image, which I think it works quite well:)
Thanks for all the lovely comments - means a lot :)


Lara DOF

September 17 2011
203 KB

This was a play with DOF, using DS3A and the fantastic Reality Plugin for output to LuxRender.
Thanks for all the fantastic comments


Lara in the flesh

September 17 2011
138 KB

This is a render of my favourite action heroine, inspired by ~Pitoxlon and ~Nicobass - I hope you like!
I've always thought that Lara's features, in particular her jaw, was a little too masculine so my rendition of her is softer but still recognisable. Model is Victoria 4 with a few Morph++ tweaks
Using DS3A and Reality Plugin for output to LuxRender.
Thank you for all the lovely comments!

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