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Tomb Raider: Anniversary

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Rise of The Tomb Raider

Shadow of the Tomb Raider

《古墓丽影》要拍第三部 当红女星挑大梁机会大盘点(Who is next Lara?)[Bilingual]

发表时间:2012/02/08 00:00:00  来源:“ZZer”转载  作者:沪江英语  浏览次数:2934  
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A third Tomb Raider movie is in the making! With Angelina Jolie out of the picture, which gorgeous beauty do YOU think will be cast for the legendary role?We put together a list of girls that we think could do Lara. Tell us who you think should be the next Lara Croft?
《古墓丽影》第三部正在筹拍中!这次安吉丽娜·朱莉不会出演,那么哪位拥有天使面容、魔鬼身材的女影星能够扮演这个传奇角色呢?我们把适合出演Lara这个角色的女演员为大家做了一个清单。告诉我们你觉得Lara Croft这个角色适合谁来出演?

1 Kristen Stewart

Kristen Stewart is a very talented actress and is dating the hottest guy in Hollywood , but does she have the sex appeal to pull off Lara Croft?
克里斯汀·斯图尔特是个很有天分的女演员,而且目前正在跟好莱坞最帅的男人谈恋爱,但是她是不是拥有能够担当起Lara Croft这样一个性感角色的魅力呢?

2 Nina Dobrev

Nina Dobrev is beautiful, but is she ready to make the leap to the big screen in such a legendary role?

3 Selena Gomez

Selena Gomez may be dating the biggest teen pop-sensationin the nation, but her looks may not be enough to pull off Lara Croft. She doesn’t quite have the experience or prestigeto pull off such an epic role.
赛琳娜·戈麦斯和目前最当红的少年明星贾斯汀·比伯正处在热恋中,但是她的长相似乎不太适合Lara Croft这个角色。她在扮演这个经典角色的经验和声望方面都有所欠缺。

4 Olivia Wilde

Olivia Wilde should be a front runner because she fit the role of an action starletperfectly. Her career is also gaining a lot of attention, and another big role like this could launchher into Angelina Jolie status.

5 Minka Kelly

Minka Kelly’s stunning looks and impressive acting abilities make her a plausible choice for the role. She is starting to do more work in films and just got cast as one of the Charlie’s Angels television series!

6 Mila Kunis

Mila Kunis would be a great choice because she is talented, drop dead gorgeous, and her career is on the upswing. We all know she is a great comedic actress, could she be a believable action star?Let's wait and see.

7 Megan Fox

Megan Fox is worshipped by men, and has experience in action movies, but lately she’s been looking a little to svelteto rock the curvaceouslook of Lara Croft.
梅根·福克斯是广大男人心目中的女神,也有出演动作片的经验,不过最近的她看起来有点过于苗条,反而挑不起Lara Croft这个充满女性曲线美角色的大梁了。

8 Vanessa Hudgens

Vanessa Hudgens has the look and just finished making an action movie, but does she really have the “it” factor needed to be a Lara Croft comparableto Angelina Jolie’s?
瓦妮莎·哈金斯拥有姣好的容貌,并且刚刚结束一部动作片的拍摄,但是和安吉丽娜·朱莉扮演的Lara Croft比起来她是不是真的拥有那种气质呢?

9 Kim Kardashian

Kim Kardashian has the body and long ravenlocks for Lara Croft, but we think her lack of acting experience may prevent her from being considered for the role.
金·卡戴珊拥有Lara Croft的性感提体型和乌黑的长发,但是我们认为她缺少的动作片经验可能使她与这个角色失之交臂。

10 Angelina Jolie

Angelina Jolie could return to one of her most well-known roles. Her career is hot and fans would love to see her as Lara Croft again.
安吉丽娜·朱莉也许会再次出演这个她演员生涯中最出名的角色。她的事业如日中天,粉丝们也会乐意看见她扮演的Lara Croft再次重现在电影荧幕上。

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