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Shadow of the Tomb Raider

梅根·福克斯 VS 安吉利娜·朱莉

发表时间:2010/11/20 00:00:00  来源:“ZZer”转载  作者:未知(改版遗失)  浏览次数:3368  
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  最后一行是慈善项目:安吉利娜捐了上百万美元,还当过联合国的亲善大使走访过平民窟;梅根也有过义举,那就是把肉身献给了Brian Austin Green(一名电视演员(出演过CSI),1973年7月出生,加州人。与梅根在06年订婚,后于今年二月取消婚约,但两人自四月以来又走到了一起)。



Are Megan Fox & Angelina Jolie fighting over a ‘Barbarella’ remake?

The rumor going around Hollywood casting couches is that producers are interested in a Barbarella remake. The original 1968 film starred Jane Fonda in all her sex-kitten glory, and is considered a cult classic. While I hope that these remake rumors are false in total, I’ll play along. So the question floating around is this: Who’s got modern Hollywood’s biggest sex kitten? Angelina Jolie or Megan Fox? And yes, this how lacking in imagination Hollywood producers are, the only two names they could come up with were Angelina and Megan.

The tabloids are having a field day with this story, trying to pit Jolie and Fox against each other as they “battle” it out for the role that I’d bet neither of them really wants. This has happened before - for nearly a year, Megan Fox was pegged as the actress set to “replace” Angelina in the Lara Croft franchise… and nothing came of that. Megan claimed no one had even approached her and that she “would never replace” Angelina. As far as I can see, no one really wants to make another Lara Croft movie.

So far, Angelina hasn’t commented on the Barbarella rumors, but Megan has denied them, sort of. While Megan was in Toronto, CNN has her denying the rumors that she and Jolie are going head-to-head for the role, but Megan also said she would consider playing the part if she was offered it. As far as the “competition” with Jolie, Megan said she and Angelina aren’t “really in the same age group.” Ugh. Jane Fonda was 30 years old when she played Barbarella. Megan is 23 (allegedly), and Angelina is 34. Draw your own conclusions.

Obviously, people are desperate to pit Angelina “Classic Jolie” Jolie and Megan “Budget Jolie” Fox against each other. If asked about Megan, I would imagine Angelina would say “Who?” But Megan has mentioned Angelina in nearly every other interview, usually complimentary. Let‘s see, there was this, from a red carpet interview: “If I could just be Angelina’s girlfriend, I would be so happy…I love Angelina Jolie. She’s someone I admire and look up to. She’s my favorite actress in Hollywood. I just love that she’s incredibly honest, and I feel that she’s not afraid to be herself. She tells you exactly what’s on her mind.” There was also this, on comparisons to Angelina: “I think it’s a lack of creativity on the media’s part. Because I have tattoos and dark hair and I was in an action movie? That’s as far as the similarities extend. I’m not the next anyone.”

There is one weird quote that keeps popping up in these Barbarella stories, and I can’t figure out if it’s for real. What I did figure out is that real or fictional, it’s from several months ago, and if Megan said it, it wasn’t about Barbarella. Allegedly, Megan said, regarding Angelina, “I guess I see resemblance between us two, but I want to become my own person, my own star in the sky, you know? I look way better than her, I am really a diverse person.” I hope Megan didn’t say it, but it sounds like her snotty voice, doesn’t it?

Written by Kaiser


Angelina Jolie and Megan Fox Fighting for the Same Movie Part 

September 10th, 2009, 14:53 GMT| By Elena Gorgan

The competition between Angelina Jolie and Megan Fox, until now played out only in the media, is about to take a more serious turn. Both actresses, it seems, are competing for the same movie part and Jolie is reportedly very worried that the much younger and, to some extent, with more media appeal, Fox will eventually get it, Splash News says, citing reliable insiders.

“Angelina Jolie is reportedly battling it out for the lead role in the ‘Barbarella’ remake with her younger lookalike Megan Fox. 34-year-old Angie can’t help but be compared to 23-year-old Fox as two share the same pout, penchant for tattoos and long dark hair. Previously, it had been reported that Megan would be taking over for Angie in a ‘Tomb Raider’ prequel... as the role required a younger looking character.” Splash writes of the ongoing negotiations for the remake of the film on the popular comic book.

However, it’s not just that the two are gunning for the same part that’s the problem, insiders well familiar with the production tell Splash. Apparently, word in the industry has it that Angelina is actually concerned that Fox might sweep in and take her part, which would, of course, mean that the former should start accepting the reality of the fact that she’s growing old and directors would rather work with a younger actress, such as Fox, over herself.

“This will be the first time Ange and Megan have ever faced off for the same role. Ange is really feeling the pressure. Megan is stunning and fast becoming a huge star. Angelina is petrified... Ange knows that to win roles she has to look youthful.” the unnamed spy says for the paparazzi and news agency. However, as Splash too points out, if the producers behind “Barbarella” are set on placing more emphasis on talent than good looks, then chances are high they will actually pick Jolie for the part, since Megan still lacks experience.

As of now, no comment from either actress has been released, so it’s still very likely this is nothing but a rumor with no grounds. Nevertheless, make sure you keep an eye on this space for more details, as some are bound to surface in the following days.


Angelina Jolie Blasts Megan Fox

Thursday July 23, 2009

Hollywood’s fiercest feud is about to get a whole lot fiercer!

Angelina Jolie has told the world what she thinks of Megan Fox!
According to Life & Style magazine, the Tomb Raider star was recently asked what she thought of people comparing the Transformers actress to her.

Jolie — who raises six children with Brad Pitt — allegedly replied, “Is she aiding in Africa or sitting in on U.N. conferences? Donating herself to something bigger than Hollywood? I’m not familiar with her work, is she an Oscar contender?”

Fox, 23, was recently tipped to steal Jolie’s leading role in the next Tomb Raider film. Angelina was said to be furious.

“Angie was intent on reprising her role,” a source recently told British newspaper The Sun. “She feels it’s something she helped define and feels robbed that it looks likely to be handed to someone who she considers less capable than her.

“Angie isn’t a fan of the Transformers films and believes Megan won’t do the Lara Croft character justice. She’s also annoyed because she thinks Megan copies everything from her, from her tattoos to her style.”

“Angelina,” is firing back, added the source, “she is collaborating on a concept with a new sexy female action character which will absolutely blow Megan out of the water.”

Megan, meanwhile, can’t stop talking about Angelina.

“Every time a relationship ends, I say, ‘If I could just be Angelina’s girlfriend, I would be so happy,’” she has said.

“I love Angelina Jolie. She’s someone I admire and look up to. She’s my favorite actress in Hollywood. I just love that she’s incredibly honest, and I feel that she’s not afraid to be herself. She tells you exactly what’s on her mind.”


Dad: Angelina Jolie, Megan Fox "Both Sexy Gals"
Tuesday – June 23, 2009 – 9:00am

Angelina Jolie's dad sees the similarities between his daughter and Megan Fox.

"Well, they are both very beautiful women, and they are both sexy gals, you know," Jon Voight told Usmagazine.com at the L.A. premiere of Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen Monday.

See what Angelina Jolie looked like as a kid.

"And they're both in action pictures now," he went on. Jolie's thriller Salt hits theaters next summer.

Still, Voight thinks "everybody is unique. "We are all so different from one another that we can't be compared -- but they are very attractive girls," he continued.
Guess the star leg!

Fox, 23, and Jolie, 34, have a similar career trajectory, according to the action flick's director, Michael Bay. "The truth is I gave Angelina her first job on a music video. It was a Meat Loaf video, years back [1994's "Rock 'n' Roll Dreams Come Through"]," Bay told Us. "That was her very first job. And I gave Megan Fox her very first job."

See photos of Angelina Jolie's hottest action roles.

Fox -- who told Us she's "never met" the mom of six -- has insisted she's nothing like Jolie. "Because I have tattoos and dark hair and I was in an action movie? That's as far as the similarities extend," she said earlier this month. "I'm not the next anyone."

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