Tomb Raider Tours #17: Mika
French fan Mika has been a Croft collector for years, and has uncovered some incredible treasures along the way. I’m eyeballing all those classic phone covers myself…
Name: Mickaël Hedin-Holodynski
Country of Origin: France
How long have you been a fan of Tomb Raider?
I have been a fan since 1996. I had just received a PlayStation, and a friend lent me the original Tomb Raider a few days after its release. I fell for it instantly.On the next day, I went out to buy my own copy.
What is your fondest Tomb Raider memory?
Without a doubt, meeting my boyfriend Daniel! He is a huge fan and he also collects Tomb Raider goods. We met a little more than 4 years ago on the biggest French forums about Tomb Raider and Lara Croft. (Editor note: DAWWWWWW! <3)
Where did you get the bulk of your Tomb Raider merchandise?
Mostly on eBay. In my opinion, that is by far the best place to find rare objects. Sometimes, if you’re lucky, you can even find them at a reasonable price!
How do you store or display all of your Tomb Raider goods?
That is the most difficult question! The room where I showcase all my Tomb Raider merchandise is completely full, so my latest acquisitions are stored in boxes for the moment.
What is the gem of your Tomb Raider Collection?
Without a doubt, my “Snow Day" and “Guardian of Light" statues, made by Sideshow. They are just wonderful.
Is your collection complete?
Not at all! At the moment, I’m taking a forced break and waiting for a house move, since there is no more place at my actual home to receive more products. I still keep buying the things I really like though!
The one item I would like to acquire in a near future is the Tomb Raider Legend Sideshow statue.
I would also love to have the Tomb Raider Legend and Tomb Raider Reborn life-size statues..
If you’ve got an impressive Tomb Raider collection and would like to show it off, send an email to community@crystald.com.