2010年12月8日,史克威尔在北美的Xbox Live卖场和Playstation商铺发布《劳拉与光之守护者》新的扩展包。
今天,通过Xbox Live发布了运行于Xbox 360平台的“Challenge Pack 3 - A Hazardous Reunion”扩展包,文件大小91.4MB,只需400微软币。在这四个全新的挑战地图中,有令人难以置信的谜题设置,波涛汹涌的战斗场景,还有与老朋友的“热烈”团聚。
而同日通过Playstation Store发布的运行于PlayStation 3平台的“Challenge Pack 3 - A Hazardous Reunion”扩展包,文件大小为101 MB,标价3.49美元。
今天同时在Playstation Store上发布的还有运行于PlayStation 3平台的“Character Pack 1 - Kane & Lynch”扩展包,文件大小192 MB。这个可以免费下载。
New DLC packs from Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light coming Today |
December 8th, 2010 |

Square Enix will released new DLC packs from Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light to the North American Xbox Live Marketplace and Playstation Store today. The 'Challenge Pack 3 - A Hazardous Reunion' DLC for Xbox 360 through Xbox Live has been released Today (December 8) and is 91.4MB large for only 400 MSP. It's four new challenge maps featuring mind-boggling puzzles, waves of intense combat action, and a fiery reunion with an old friend. And on Playstation Store the DLC 'Challenge Pack 3 - A Hazardous Reunion' for Playstation 3 will be released Today (December 8) and is 101 MB size for only $3.49. It's four new challenge maps featuring mind-boggling puzzles, waves of intense combat action, and a fiery reunion with an old friend.. Also on Playstation Store the DLC 'Character Pack 1 - Kane & Lynch' for Playstation 3 will be released Today (December 8) and is 192 MB size for FREE . Grab a friend or go at it alone as gaming's most notorious criminals find themselves in Lara Croft's world and must work together to fight their way ou More DLC packs are coming soon..... |