古墓丽影1 tomb raider 古墓丽影2 西安匕首 tomb raider The Dagger of Xi'an 古墓丽影3 劳拉的冒险 tomb raider Adventures of Lara Croft 古墓丽影4 最后的启示 tomb raider The Last Revelation 古墓丽影5 历代记 tomb raider Chronicles 古墓丽影6 黑暗天使 tomb raider The Angel of Darkness 古墓丽影7 传奇 tomb raider Legend
Tomb Raider

The Dagger of Xi'an

Adventures of Lara Croft

The Last Revelation

Tomb Raider: Chronicles

The Angel of Darkness

Tomb Raider: Legend

古墓丽影 周年纪念 tomb raider Anniversary
古墓丽影8 地下世界 tomb raider Underworld
劳拉与光之守护着 光明守护者 Lara Croft and The Guardian Of Light
古墓丽影9 tomb raider 2013
劳拉与奥西里斯神庙 Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris
古墓丽影:崛起 Rise of The Tomb Raider
古墓丽影:暗影 Shadow of the Tomb Raider

Tomb Raider: Anniversary

Tomb Raider: Underworld




Rise of The Tomb Raider

Shadow of the Tomb Raider


发表时间:2018/10/12 00:00:00  来源:古墓丽影网站  作者:Evan  浏览次数:9388  
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  曾经为《古墓丽影4:最后的启示》、《古墓丽影5:历代记》和《古墓丽影6:黑暗天使》制作配乐和音效的知名作曲家彼得·康奈利(Peter Connelly)在kickstarter平台发起《古墓丽影:黑暗天使》交响乐众筹活动,目前众筹已经成功完成。









  Tomb Raider: The Dark Angel Symphony is an EPIC remake of Peter Connelly’s finest soundtracks, including Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation, Tomb Raider: Chronicles and Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness (co-written with Martin Iveson).

  This project will only be funded if it reaches its goal by Thu, November 1 2018 11:59 PM UTC. If it does *not* reach its target, none of our backers will be charged any money at all.

  Follow us:


  In association with:


  Pledge Reward Summary


Tomb Raider: The Dark Angel Symphony.

  《古墓丽影:黑暗天使》交响乐由两张专辑构成:一张专辑是由一支82乐器管弦乐队在林德赫斯特工作室(Air Lyndhurst Studios)录制,并由理查德·奈尔斯(世界知名管弦乐编曲,曾为保罗·麦卡尼、“宠物店男孩”、特雷弗·霍恩等工作)带领的世界顶尖团队进行制作,能为各位带来最优美动听的《古墓丽影》音乐。另外一张专辑是皮特·康奈利原版《古墓丽影》音乐的高质量重制版。
  The core of Tomb Raider: The Dark Angel Symphony is a suite of two albums: one recorded by an 82-piece orchestra at the prestigious Air Lyndhurst Studios, London, and produced by a world-class professional team led by Dr. Richard Niles (an world-renowned orchestrator for Paul McCartney, the Pet Shop Boys, Trevor Horn and more), for the most beautiful and moving Tomb Raider sound you will ever hear. The second is for an album of Peter Connelly’s original Tomb Raider scores remastered for the highest-possible sound quality.

  The Dark Angel Symphony

  The first is “The Dark Angel Symphony”. This is a symphonic and expansive reworking of Peter’s acclaimed Tomb Raider music – from The Last Revelation, Chronicles, and The Angel of Darkness – rearranged and performed by an 82-piece orchestra, and recorded at Air Lyndhurst Studios, London. Experience an emotional and immersive Tomb Raider experience available as a digital download, CD and vinyl. 

《古墓丽影:黑暗天使》交响乐CD Tomb Raider: The Dark Angel Symphony CD

  Tomb Raider: Remastered

  The second is an album of fully remastered versions of Peter Connelly’s original Tomb Raider scores from Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation, Tomb Raider: Chronicles, and Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness, available as a digital download and CD.

古墓丽影音乐重制CD(封面未确定) Music of Tomb Raider Remastered CD (not final cover art)

  两张专辑CD都含有独家手册,而黑胶唱片则会有书套保护。其中都包含诸多尹娜·维朱赞尼亚(Inna Vjuzhanina)的原创插图。
  Both album CDs come with an exclusive booklet, and the vinyl comes in a slipcase. Both are blessed with sumptuous original artwork by acclaimed artist Inna Vjuzhanina.  

  5.1 Surround Sound TR: AoD  

  An additional, extra-special treat is this 5.1 Surround Sound DVD of The Angel of Darkness OST, presented here for the very first time! Now you can listen to “Dance of the Lux Veritatis”, “By Moonlight”, “The Accused” – and all the rest of your favourites – as they were meant to be heard!

  Limited Edition  

  This Kickstarter also contains exclusive, hand-crafted, limited-edition merchandise – including art prints, jewellery, and sculptures – commissioned especially for this project. Don’t miss them!  

  VIP Exclusives  

  参与活动的各位还有机会前往专辑录制现场,获得独一无二的纪念品,包括莫蒂·斯科菲尔德(Murti Schofield)对于《古墓丽影:黑暗天使》的手稿笔记以及皮特·康奈利于2002年在Abbey Road录制的《古墓丽影:黑暗天使》原声CD母带。详情如下。
  There is also be the chance to attend the studio recording and obtain one-of-a-kind memorabilia. These include Murti Schofield’s original hand-written notes for Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness, and Peter Connelly’s original Master CDs of the original Abbey Road recordings of Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness score from 2002. See below for more details.


  You can add additional items to your pledge level by simply increasing your pledge. Instructions for adding add-ons can be found below:  

  · 单击“管理资助金额”按钮。如果您还没有进行资助,则按钮会显示“支持这个项目”。
  · Press the "Manage Your Pledge" button. If you haven't pledged yet, then this button will say "Back This Project" instead. 

  · 在“资助金额”中按照您想获取的物品增加您的资助金额。
  · Increase your pledge in the "Pledge Amount" box by the total of the add-on(s) you want to add. 

  · 在Kickstarter项目结束后,您将会收到一份调查问卷,询问您希望如何分配您的额外资助金(也就是您希望获得什么额外物品)
  · After the end of our Kickstarter campaign, you will receive a survey that will ask you questions about how you would like the add-on money to be assigned (i.e which add-ons you would like). 

  For example, if you choose the “Reward #4 Alexandria” pledge for £40 and then decide that you also want a signed poster or an additional CD, then you could increase your Pledge Amount by [£ amount needed for add-on(s)]. 

  The add-ons you can choose from are as follows: 

  · 《古墓丽影:黑暗天使》交响乐——黑胶唱片:50英镑 Tomb Raider: The Dark Angel Symphony – Vinyl: £50
  · 《古墓丽影:黑暗天使》5.1环绕原声音乐DVD:30英镑 Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness OST 5.1 Surround Sound DVD: £30
  · 《古墓丽影:黑暗天使》交响乐签名海报:10英镑 Tomb Raider: The Dark Angel Symphony Signed A1 Poster: £10
  · 《古墓丽影:最后的启示/历代记/黑暗天使》原声重制CD:25英镑 Tomb Raider: Last Revelation/Chronicles/Angel of Darkness Remastered – CD: £25
  · 《古墓丽影:黑暗天使》交响乐——CD:20英镑 Tomb Raider: The Dark Angel Symphony – CD: £20
  · 《古墓丽影:黑暗天使》交响乐——总谱:120英镑 Tomb Raider: The Dark Angel Symphony – Full Score: £120


  The Dark Angel Symphony T-shirts and Tank Tops

  Increase your Pledge Amount by £20 to add one t-shirt or a tanktop.


将您的承诺金额增加20英镑,增加一件T恤 Increase your Pledge Amount by £20 to add one t-shirt


增加20英镑资助金额即可添加一件女式贴身T恤 Increase your Pledge Amount by £20 to add one Women's Fitted t-shirt


增加20英镑资助金额即可添加一件背心 Increase your Pledge Amount by £20 to add one tanktop

  T恤和背心由尹娜·维朱赞尼亚(Inna Vjuzhanina)设计。提供S ~ 3XL不同尺寸(您资助后可以在Kickstarter的调查电子邮件中指定您想要的尺寸)。请注意,实物颜色可能略有不同。 您可以添加任意数量的T恤,每添加一件需要资助20英镑。
  Shirts and tanktops, vegan-friendly T-shirts featuring the artwork designed by Inna Vjuzhanina. Available in different sizes S-3XL (you will specify the size(s) you want in a survey email after the Kickstarter is funded.). Please note that colours could look slightly different on the finished product. You can add as many t-shirts of as many sizes as you like to your pledge for £20 each.

Limited Items, VIP and Accessories

独家彩虹女神坠饰 Exclusive Iris pendant


  “Whoever is first to the Iris claims the prize!”  

  No need to brave the jungles of Cambodia or laser-traps of the VCI building to retrieve this mysterious artefact. This handmade custom pendant has been inspired by the Iris artefact from Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation (1999) and Tomb Raider: Chronicles (2000). With this reward you will receive one pendant, hand-sculpted and hand-painted by J. R. Milward. The pendant is sculpted from Green Stuff (modeller's epoxy putty), painted with acrylics, varnished with a protective coating (Liquitex), and comes complete on a black waxed-cotton, adjustable cord. The Iris measures 35mm / 35mm (approx. 1 ⅜” / 1 ⅜”) and weighs 7g (including cord).  

  Please note that, because each pendant is individually handmade, the appearance will vary slightly from piece to piece.

独家纪念石坠饰 Exclusive Memorial Stone pendant


   “Missing, presumed dead.”  

  This handmade custom pendant has been inspired by Lara Croft’s memorial stone, erected by her surviving family and loyal manservant while Professor Von Croy was feverishly searching for her mortal remains in Tomb Raider: Chronicles (2000). With this reward you will receive one pendant, hand-sculpted and hand-painted by J. R. Milward. The pendant is sculpted from Green Stuff (modeller's epoxy putty), painted with acrylics, varnished with a protective coating (Liquitex), and comes complete on a black waxed-cotton, adjustable cord. The Memorial Stone measures 28mm / 42mm (approx. 1 ⅛” / 1 ⅝”) and weighs 8g (including cord).  

  Please note that, because each pendant is individually handmade, the appearance will vary slightly from piece to piece. 

独家圣甲虫坠饰 Exclusive Scarab pendant


   “Remember the Amulet, and use your strength wisely…”  

  Of all the material edited out from Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness (2003), Putai the shaman’s gift of the Scarab Amulet remains one of the most mysterious. This handmade custom pendant has been inspired by the unused Scarab Amulet, which would have played an integral part of the game’s mechanics and provided a tangible link between Lara’s present and her past. With this reward you will receive one pendant, hand-sculpted and hand-painted by J. R. Milward. The pendant is sculpted from Green Stuff (modeller's epoxy putty), painted with acrylics, varnished with a protective coating (Liquitex), and comes complete on a brown waxed-cotton, adjustable cord. The Scarab measures 28mm / 40mm (approx. 1” / 1 ½”) and weighs 11.3g (including cord).  

  Please note that, because each pendant is individually handmade, the appearance will vary slightly from piece to piece.

宽刃剑坠饰 Chirugai pendant


  “Lux Veritatis – Light of Truth.”  

  No demon-hunter should be without their trusty telekinetically-control arcane weaponry! This handmade custom pendant has been inspired by the infamous weapon owned by Kurtis Trent in Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness (2003). With this reward you will receive one pendant, hand-sculpted and hand-painted by J. R. Milward. The pendant is sculpted from Green Stuff (modeller's epoxy putty), painted with acrylics, varnished with a protective coating (Liquitex), and comes complete on a brown waxed-cotton, adjustable cord. The Chirugai measures 50mm / 50mm (approx. 2” / 2”) and weighs 6g (including cord).  

  Please note that, because each pendant is individually handmade, the appearance will vary slightly from piece to piece. (It's also not recommended for killing demonic entities UNLESS you happen to have telekinetic powers. (In which case, you're better off flinging them across the room rather than fiddling around with your necklace).)


  Who wouldn't want the complete Tomb Raider: The Dark Angel Symphony score – professionally published and luxuriously packaged – in their possession? With this reward you will receive the full Tomb Raider: The Dark Angel Symphony score as a hard-copy, beautifully presented booklet with artwork by Inna Vjuzhanina.


  这是独一无二的参观《古墓丽影:黑暗天使》交响乐在伦敦林德赫斯特工作室进行乐团现场录制的机会。同制作团队见面,包括理查德·奈尔斯博士、郭婷娜(Tina Guo)、朱莉·艾尔文(Julie Elven)和重扮劳拉的吉尔·德容(Jill de Jong)!每小时限10人参观。参观工作室时间为1小时(最低)。名额有限。请注意,旅行费用及住宿费用不包括在奖励之内。
  This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to witness the orchestra performing and recording Tomb Raider: The Dark Angel Symphony LIVE at the famous Air Lyndhurst Studios, London. Meet the team and famous names including Dr Richard Niles, Tina Guo, Julie Elven, and Jill De Jong as she reprises her role as Lara Croft! This reward is limited to ten people per hour. Studio attendance is for one hour (minimum). Limited availability. Please note that travel and/or accommodation are NOT included. 



  “I’m a professional! I’ve got dossiers on all the main players!”

  这个奖励不是一个,而是两件来自《古墓丽影:黑暗天使》的原创概念艺术作品。它们由Square Enix捐赠给黑暗天使交响乐众筹,是真正的古墓丽影历史!
  This reward is for not one, but TWO pieces of ORIGINAL concept artwork from Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness. They have been kindly donated to the Dark Angel Symphony by Square Enix and are genuine pieces of Tomb Raider history!


  Each reward contains two pieces of artwork randomly selected from our collection of eighty drawings/sketches.

  Please note that individual artworks cannot be requested by backers.



  “And I thought this was gonna be one of my easy days…”  

  现在你可以拥有自己的柯蒂斯·恶魔猎人·特伦特雕像了!这个人像由艺术家马特·奇瑞奇(Matt Chrich)设计,来自《古墓丽影:黑暗天使》中劳拉在真理之光的神秘盟友。专为《古墓丽影:黑暗天使》交响乐定制,这座雕像是纯手工打造,马特·奇瑞奇完善。照片中为制作中的模型;最终成品会上色成风化的石头质感和铜色的宽刃剑。每一座雕像都是单独编号,附有皮特·康奈利的签名,全世界范围内只供应二十八(28)件。错过就没有了!
  Now you can own your very own replica of Kurtis “Demon hunter” Trent! Based on a master-sculpted figurine by artist Matt Chrich, this statuette is a replica of Lara Croft’s mysterious Lux Veritatis ally from Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness. Commissioned especially for Tomb Raider: The Dark Angel Symphony, this statuette has been hand-sculpted, hand-cast in resin, and finished by artist Matt Chrich. Also note that the photographs are of a work-in-progress model; the final version will also be painted to resemble worn stone, with a bronze Chirugai. Each statuette will be individually numbered, signed by Peter Connelly, and strictly limited-edition to only twenty-eight (28) units worldwide. Once they’re gone, they’re gone!  

  Please note that, because each statuette is individually hand-crafted by the artist – not mass-produced using 3D printing or factory techniques – each one is a unique work of art and the appearance might vary slightly from piece to piece. The statuette stands 21.5cm (8 ½”) tall, 17cm (6 ¾”) wide, 15cm (6”) deep; he weighs about 500g. (All measurements are approximate.)



  “Once and Future Adventurer. For her.” 

  Now Lara’s memorial can be yours, too! Commissioned especially for Tomb Raider: The Dark Angel Symphony, this statuette is a replica of Lara Croft’s memorial statue from Tomb Raider: Chronicles and has been hand-sculpted, hand-cast in resin, and finished by artist Matt Chrich. Also note that the photographs are of a work-in-progress model. The model is painted to resemble worn stone, with a bronze memorial cartouche exactly as it is in the original Tomb Raider: Chronicles FMV. Each statuette will be individually numbered, signed by Peter Connelly, and strictly limited-edition to only twenty-eight (28) units worldwide. Once they’re gone, they’re gone!  

  Please note that, because each statuette is individually hand-crafted by the artist – not mass-produced using 3D printing or factory techniques – each one is a unique work of art and the appearance might vary slightly from piece to piece. The statuette stands 25cm (9 ½”) tall, 12cm (4 ¾”) wide, 7.5cm (3”) deep; she weighs about 500g. 



  现在是获得《古墓丽影:黑暗天使》2002年由伦敦交响乐团于Abbey Road Studios录制的原声音乐母带。《古墓丽影:黑暗天使》中出现的所有音乐均来自这版CD母带,皮特·康奈利将其捐给了《古墓丽影:黑暗天使》交响乐项目。世上仅有两份,而我们在此将其作为资助奖励。这对于古墓丽影收藏者来说是一件无价之宝! 
  Here is your chance to own the Master CD of Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness original soundtrack, recorded by the London Symphony Orchestra at Abbey Road Studios in 2002. All of the game music for Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness was sourced from this CD and has been donated to the Tomb Raider: The Dark Angel Symphony project by Peter Connelly himself. There are only TWO of these CDs in the whole world, and we're offering both of them as pledge rewards for the Tomb Raider: The Dark Angel Symphony. This is a priceless piece of Tomb Raider history – a must for serious Tomb Raider collectors! 



  This is a once-in-a-lifetime chance to own writer Murti Schofield’s original, handwritten notes from his work on Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness. With this reward you will receive the original, handwritten notes made by Murti Schofield himself – NOT photocopies or digital files – chronicling the very earliest ideas that would go on to form the backbone of Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness. They include mind-maps, diagrams, lists of names and locations, and even thumbnail concept designs – all executed in Schofield’s unique, Gothic-embellished style. They have been donated to the Tomb Raider: The Dark Angel Symphony project by Murti Schofield himself, so you won’t find these anywhere else! They are presented in a beautiful, hand-tooled leather-bound binder. These notes are a unique, inspirational and moving part of Tomb Raider history that deserves to be cherished for generations to come! 


  All pledges £1000 or higher now include a priceless one-hour arranging lesson by the legend himself, Dr Richard Niles, on Skype, Messenger, FaceTime or – if they're in/around the LA area – on a direct one-to-one basis at Richard's studio. 

  This pledge reward is retroactive, meaning that if you have ALREADY pledged £1000 or more you will automatically have this one-hour session added to your pledge rewards. 

The Team

  A stellar musical team will help Peter bring his magic to the fans, including: 


  Tina Guo

  Guo is an internationally acclaimed, Grammy-nominated virtuoso acoustic/electric cellist, recording artist, and composer. She is a frequent musical collaborator with Hans Zimmer and has toured with him as part of the Hans Zimmer Live tour. 


  Julie Elven

  艾尔文是一名获奖无数的电影配音、配乐声乐家。她住在德国,慕尼黑。她曾同詹姆斯·纽顿·霍华德(James Newton Howard)以及诸多乐团合作。她最出名的是为许多3A游戏大作提供人声音乐,包括《地平线:黎明时分》、《魔兽世界:军团再临》(还有许多暴雪娱乐旗下的游戏作品),拳头的《英雄联盟》等。
  Elven is an award-winning Soundtrack and Filmscore Vocalist based in Munich, Germany. She has featured alongside James Newton Howard and multiple orchestras. She is best known for her soloist vocal work on triple-A gaming titles such as Horizon Zero Dawn, World of Warcraft: Legion (plus many other famous titles by Blizzard Entertainment), Riot Games’ League of Legends, and more. 


  Dr Richard Niles

  Niles is a world-famous Orchestrator / Arranger / Musician. He has worked with a veritable who’s-who of pop, such as Paul McCartney, the Pet Shop Boys, and Trevor Horn CBE. 

  Our team also includes Ben Fenner (Mastering Engineer), Isobel Griffiths (Orchestra Contractor), and Iain Mackenzie (Vocalist and Choir Master).  


Risks and challenges

  Our main challenge is keeping costs down without sacrificing quality. Using the finest musicians and personnel in this industry comes at a premium cost, but the result is undeniably worth it. If we reach our targets it will truly be an epic, cinematic-sounding soundtrack, and a real game-changer event in videogame musical history.

  The other challenge we face is the coordination and organisation of all the people, facilities, equipment and schedules needed for such a massive undertaking. However, our team is fortunate enough to have faced similar challenges before.

  我们的项目主管,艾什·卡普里洛夫(Ash Kaprielov)和他的古墓丽影粉丝团队在2016年的曼彻斯特游戏博览会上成功为古墓丽影系列20周年举办了一次Core Design员工的重聚与问答环节——这个活动可以说是当年最大的活动,即使将水晶动力的官方活动算上。艾什在组织大型活动上经验颇丰,善于管理截止日期非常紧凑的项目。他也是一名专业的交流与社交媒体协调员。
  Our project manager, Ash Kaprielov, and his team of fellow Tomb Raider fans, successfully delivered a Core Design-employee reunion and QA panel event at Play Expo Manchester in 2016 to mark the Tomb Raider franchise’s 20th anniversary – the largest celebration to take place that year, even taking into account official events organised by Crystal Dynamics. He has extensive experience in organising large-scale events and managing projects that require the coordination of people and materials to tight deadlines. He is also a professional communications and social media coordinator.

  All of the fans involved in this project are professionals in their various fields, and have brought both their skills and passion to Tomb Raider: The Dark Angel Symphony to ensure it meets the highest possible standards in all areas (for example, in editing, art, filming and audio production, project management and communications, and graphic design.)

  On a purely musical front, Peter Connelly himself will lead and coordinate the other music-industry professionals to create and deliver Tomb Raider: The Dark Angel Symphony to the highest possible standard. Dr Richard Niles, Isobel Griffiths, Tina Guo and others frequently work alongside other top-industry names such as Hans Zimmer, Howard Shore, and Trevor Horn OBE; we think what’s good for them is good enough for Tomb Raider: The Dark Angel Symphony and the Tomb Raider community.

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