Lara Croft on the top of a radio tower, sending out an SOS
《古墓丽影9》周年纪念 - 五大经典瞬间
Tomb Raider (2013) Anniversary – Top 5 Iconic Moments
Mar 5, 2024
Today marks the 11th anniversary of Tomb Raider (2013) - the first installment in a trilogy that marked a new era for the franchise. Fans joined Lara on the journey that forged her into the iconic tomb raider we know and love, captivating a new generation of gamers in the process.
In Tomb Raider the still young and inexperienced Lara Croft faced a gauntlet of challenges on Yamatai: from dealings with the fanatical members of the Solarii, to dodging an incoming plane crash, to solving the mystery of the storms that kept the Endurance crew stranded on the island.
Here are our top five iconic moments from Tomb Raider:
5. 逃离峡谷寺院
5. Escaping the Chasm Monastery
4. 跳伞下山
4. Parachute Mountain Descent
3. 逃离飞机失事现场
3. Escaping the Plane Crash
2. 击败马蒂亚斯
2. Defeating Mathias
1. 攀登无线电塔
1. Climbing the Radio Tower
What are your favorite moments from Tomb Raider? Sound off on social and let us know!