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  Venture into the Unknown with Lara Croft in Dead by Daylight 

  Jul 16, 2024

  Lara Croft has officially arrived in Dead by Daylight for an adventure unlike any she’s experienced before. 

  No guns. No bow. No way home. Lara will need to rely on the intangibles that define her if she hopes to survive the trials that await. Luckily, she won’t have to do it alone – and neither will you. We’ve outlined everything you need to navigate the challenges ahead and make Lara’s survival instinct shine in the face of fear itself.  

  Survivor’s Path 

  For those who have never played Dead by Daylight, the premise is simple. A lone Killer stalks and attempts sacrifice on a group of 4 Survivors who must work together to escape the Trial Grounds with their lives.  

  To do this, they must repair 5 of the 7 Generators scattered throughout the Map to power and open a set of Exit Gates. Killers cannot be hurt, and Survivors have no weapons. Evasion, stealth, and teamwork are the only ways to stay alive. Should you be caught, the Killer will place you on a hook where you’ll need to rely on your allies to rescue you before the sacrifice can be completed.  

  The Perks of Being Lara Croft 

  Survivors in Dead by Daylight are each equipped with 3 Perks – abilities that can be used over the course of a Trial to turn the tides in your favor. An intrepid, athletic, and endlessly adaptable adventurer, Lara brings some vital advantages to The Fog.  

  ● 矫健身手:劳拉的“矫健身手”技能体现了她的运动能力。在跳过窗户或木板时,劳拉会采用杂技般的跳跃,不仅看起来令人印象深刻,还能为她提供速度加成,这在追逐中至关重要。
  Finesse: Lara’s Finesse Perk is a reflection of her athletic abilities. When leaping over a window ledge or pallet, Lara employs an acrobatic vault that not only looks impressive but provides her a speed boost that can make all the difference in a chase. 

  ● 求生欲:被绑架到黑暗的超自然领域并不足以让这位古墓丽影感到害怕。完成特定任务后,劳拉将获得更高的无畏感,防止她在杀手靠近时尖叫并暴露自己的位置。
  Hardened: It takes more than being kidnapped to a dark supernatural realm to rattle the Tomb Raider. After completing specific tasks, Lara is rewarded with a heightened fearlessness that prevents her from screaming and revealing her location when the Killer is nearby.

  ● 老本行:作为考古学家,劳拉总是在寻找有价值的物品和文物。打开宝箱将奖励她代币,这些代币稍后可用于在修复发电机时锁定进度,使杀手无法破坏她的辛勤工作。
  Specialist: As an archeologist, Lara is always on the hunt for valuable items and artifacts. Opening a chest will award her with tokens that can later be used to lock-in progress when fixing a Generator, making it impossible for a Killer to undo her hard work.  

  Tips & Teamwork  

  There’s more to being a Survivor than just running, hiding, and repairing Generators. When Lara’s life is on the line, it’s the little details that can make all the difference. Here are a few useful tips for Lara to add to her journal.  

  ● 团队合作:劳拉可能经常独自行动,但在《黎明杀机》中,团队合作可能是生存的关键。帮助你的同伴修复发电机。在他们受伤时治疗他们。在他们无助地挂在钩子上时解救他们。也许有一天你也会需要他们回报这份恩情……
  Teamwork: Lara may often work alone, but in Dead by Daylight working together can be the key to survival. Help your fellow Survivors fix Generators. Heal them when injured. Pull them off hooks as they dangle helplessly. There may come a point when you need them to return the favor… 

  ● 心跳:如果劳拉突然听到自己的心跳在耳边咚咚作响,请小心。你已进入杀手的恐怖半径。心跳声越响,他们就越近。
  Heartbeat: If Lara suddenly hears her heartbeat pounding in her ears, beware. You’ve entered the Killer’s Terror Radius. The louder the heartbeat, the closer they are.  

  ● 发电机:修复发电机的一部分工作包括完成技能检验。不要让他们出其不意地抓住你。确保你停在成功区的箭头上,以获得良好或出色的技能检验。失败的话,杀手将被知道劳拉的位置。
  Generators: Part of repairing Generators includes completing Skill Checks. Don’t let them catch you off guard. Ensure you stop the arrow in the success zone for a good or great Skill Check. Fail it, and the Killer is alerted to Lara’s location.  

  ● 追逐:直线奔跑不会给劳拉太多生存的机会。在角落和障碍物之间穿梭。推翻木板以阻碍杀手。步行或蹲下以避免留下杀手可以追踪的划痕。躲在储物柜中以摆脱他们的追踪。
  Chases: Running in a straight line won’t give Lara much chance of survival. Weave around corners and obstacles. Tip over wooden Pallets to impede the Killer. Walk or crouch to avoid leaving Scratch Marks the Killer can follow. Hide in lockers to throw them off the trail.  

  ● 物品:地图上的宝箱包含有用的物品,如医疗包或手电筒,这些物品可以在大胆的逃脱或救援过程中用来使杀手失明。
  Items: Chests around the map contain useful items like Med-Kits or Flashlights which can be used to blind the Killer during a daring escape or rescue.  

  Many have entered The Fog. Few have been as prepared for what lurks there as Lara Croft. Join her today on her latest adventure. The Tomb Raider is available now in Dead by Daylight.  Enjoying Lara Croft in Dead by Daylight? Experience Lara Croft’s journey to becoming the Tomb Raider she was always destined to be in Tomb Raider (2013), Rise of the Tomb Raider, and Shadow of the Tomb Raider on sale now!

  ● PlayStation 

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