《克劳馥庄园之谜(The Mystery at Croft Manor)》于3月23日正式登陆《堡垒之夜(Fortnite)》,完成挑战玩家还将解锁“劳拉喷雾(Lara Croft Spray)”。
Winston, the Croft family's trusted butler, has informed Lara that there are strange lights and effects coming from within the Manor. You must travel to the depths of this harrowing home and uncover its mysteries with your squad. Shoutout to @fn_alliance on twitter for their work on the Hub and gameplay.
The Mystery at Croft Manor experience is now live in Creative and will be featured until March 30, 2021. The experience can also be accessed via the “Mystery in Croft Manor” playlist tile.
You can still play the Mystery at Croft Manor game after it’s last featured day (March 30) by entering the code 0116-9392-3142. Complete the experience to uncover a secret redemption code that unlocks a special Spray in Fortnite. The redemption code is only usable March 23 - March 31.
How to get Tomb Raider spray?
Redeem the Hier to Croft Manor Spray in the site below using the code at the end of the video 😁