古墓丽影1 tomb raider 古墓丽影2 西安匕首 tomb raider The Dagger of Xi'an 古墓丽影3 劳拉的冒险 tomb raider Adventures of Lara Croft 古墓丽影4 最后的启示 tomb raider The Last Revelation 古墓丽影5 历代记 tomb raider Chronicles 古墓丽影6 黑暗天使 tomb raider The Angel of Darkness 古墓丽影7 传奇 tomb raider Legend
Tomb Raider

The Dagger of Xi'an

Adventures of Lara Croft

The Last Revelation

Tomb Raider: Chronicles

The Angel of Darkness

Tomb Raider: Legend

古墓丽影 周年纪念 tomb raider Anniversary
古墓丽影8 地下世界 tomb raider Underworld
劳拉与光之守护着 光明守护者 Lara Croft and The Guardian Of Light
古墓丽影9 tomb raider 2013
劳拉与奥西里斯神庙 Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris
古墓丽影:崛起 Rise of The Tomb Raider
古墓丽影:暗影 Shadow of the Tomb Raider

Tomb Raider: Anniversary

Tomb Raider: Underworld




Rise of The Tomb Raider

Shadow of the Tomb Raider


发表时间:2016/07/27 00:00:00  来源:古墓丽影网站  作者:陈君君(June Chen)  浏览次数:13570  
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About Rodrigo Martín

  本站本期独家采访的是“古墓丽影”官方大使,来自西班牙的罗德里戈·马丁(Rodrigo Martín)。马丁先生是“古墓丽影”收藏界最受瞩目的人物,他目前拥有2383件“古墓丽影”收藏品。2014年吉尼斯世界纪录协会联系到这位超级收藏家,授予他吉尼斯世界纪录 - “古墓丽影”收藏家证书,他也因此被载入了吉尼斯世界纪录年册。




  马丁先生同时接受“收藏品交易”,如果你有某件“古墓丽影”和劳拉的珍藏品(必须是真品哦),可以到马丁先生的网站-珍藏品交易栏:http://www.tombraidercollection.com/#!exchange-foundation/c1054 中浏览他的交易物品并和他本人取得联系做直接交换。


专题采访第一部分: “古墓丽影”游戏对你的影响


  记者:你是什么时候开始接触古墓丽影游戏的?(When did you start playing Tomb Raider game?)

  罗德里戈:最早是1996的古墓丽影一代,那时候我只有9岁。 当时所有人对这个游戏都谈论不已,不管是杂志还是电视,好像所有人都对古墓丽影很疯狂,也感谢这一点让我很容易找到关于这个游戏的信息。
  (I started playing Tomb Raider in 1996 with the first game. At that time I was 9 years old. I discovered thanks to everyone talked about the game and was very easy to find a lot of information, for example in magazines or television. Everyone was going crazy for Tomb Raider and began to turn into a mass phenomenon.)

  记者:你最喜欢古墓丽影哪一部?喜欢的原因是什么?(Which Tomb Raider game is your favorite? Why?)

  罗德里戈: 我喜欢把古墓丽影分成两个阶段,核心设计阶段和水晶动力阶段。
  (I like to always to divide the games in two completely different eras. Core Design and Crystal Dynamics.From Core Design I love the first game, Tomb Raider (1996) because it has the purest essence and so it came to mean for the world of video games.From Crystal Dynamics I will choose Tomb Raider Legend (2006) because they managed to return the fame to Lara Croft after "The Angel of Darkness". This game combines all the things that I like, great story, many different locations around the world, many outfits for Lara and epic situations.)

  记者:劳拉·克劳馥对你最大的影响是什么?你觉得你本人有劳拉的特质吗?(How does Lara Croft inspire you? Do you see any of your own personality within Lara Croft?)

  (I spent much of my life with Lara, are already 20 years. I see her as a character that I really know very well. She has always managed to inspire me artistically. Perhaps the aspect that unites us, Lara and me, is that we both like to collect rare artifacts. She collects artifacts from other ancient civilizations and I collect artifacts based on Lara. It's the perfect combination.)

  记者:你喜欢旅行吗?未来有没有来中国旅行的打算?(Do you like travel? Have you ever been to China or any future thoughts of visiting China?)

  罗德里戈:我很爱旅行, 但是因为工作原因没有太多的机会出游。不过我也去过很多国家:西班牙、葡萄牙、法国、英国、爱尔兰、意大利、土耳其、秘鲁和美国。我从来没有去过中国,但是中国是我最想去的国家之一,希望不久的将来有机会去。
  (I love to travel, but not always I have this chance because of my work. I have been to many places: From Spain, Portugal, France, United Kingdom, Ireland, Italy, Turkey, Peru and the United States.

 I've never been to China, it is one of the places that I like to visit. Of course is in my list. I hope to go there soon.)



  记者: 你是从什么时候开始古墓丽影收集的?除了官方网站(大部分玩家的收藏渠道)你还有其他什么收集渠道吗?(When did you start collecting? What is your main resource to get all the collections/items other than from official stores (which is for most fans)?)

  罗德里戈: 我从1996年开始接触这个游戏,最初的收集大概是1998年,是从Playmates那里得到的一个以51区为背景的劳拉人偶。
  (Well, I started with the games of course with the first game in 1996, but the first non-game item was my figure of Lara Croft raiding the Area 51 from Playmates. That was around 1998, so I consider that the initial moment of my collection.
  Normally I can find all my items on Ebay though there are also former employees of the franchise who contact me to send me some old glories rescued from the past. It's amazing to preserve part of the legacy of the franchise to never miss it again as an essential element of the video game industry.)

  记者:你最初是从哪里开始收集的?有没有侧重于收集某一类型(例如游戏本体、人偶或者漫画等)?(When you first started collecting, did you start with collect just about anything of Tomb Raider/Lara Croft in general? Or did you focus on one area (such as game copies, action figure, comics, etc.) to start with?)

  (I started with figures and promotional items like advertising or marketing stuff  (I work in the advertising-marketing world and that´s why I am passionate about this kind of things) but quickly I started collecting anything related and worthwhile.)


  记者:你在哪个类型的收集品最多?哪个类型的收藏品最少?有没有哪件特殊物品你非常想得到但又很难得到?(What area of Tomb Raider collections do you own the most? What area of Tomb Raider collections do you own the least? Which item(s) you currently want to get most but seems impossible to get it (them)?)

  罗德里戈: 我很喜欢收集有关古墓丽影游戏和电影原创艺术作品,例如手绘图等,我有一些来自《古墓丽影:十周年纪念版》、《古墓丽影4》、《黑暗天使》和电影的原绘图真品。 我同时也很喜欢收集有关古墓丽影电影的物品,尤其是当年使用在电影里的道具。我现在就收藏了2001年安吉丽娜·朱莉在“古墓丽影”电影里用的那个“时光之表”的原表。
  ( I love collecting original art used in the production of games or movies, such as the original storyboards or artworks. I have some original storyboards from Tomb Raider Anniversary, original arts from Tomb Raider 4 or The Angel of Darkness, from the movies… I also love collecting elements used in movies. Currently I have the clock used in the production of the first film "The Clock of the Ages" used by Angelina Jolie in the first Lara Croft Tomb Raider movie (2001).
I would love to have the original Chinese jacket with the tiger used by Angelina Jolie in "The Cradle of Life" that is possibly one of the elements that I have most dreamed of having.)

  记者:哪件收藏品是你最引以为豪的?为什么?(Which item within your collection gives you the most pride? Why?)

  罗德里戈: 那得是“古墓丽影”创始人托比·嘉德几年前给我的原创手绘稿了。另外还有几件稀有的劳拉人像,例如“劳拉克劳馥和玫瑰”、“劳拉X”,还有“古墓丽影”第二部电影里全体演员(包括安吉丽娜·朱莉)现场给我的亲笔签名。
  这个月我还遇到了艾丽西亚(Alicia Vikander)本人(她也是下一部演劳拉·克劳馥的电影演员),她给了我一份签名海报,我很以为豪,我觉得她会有很出色的表现,她本人非常友好,是位非常敬业的演员。
  (Probably the original sketch that made me Toby Gard a few years ago, some rare statues like the “Lara Croft and the roses” or the prototype of “Lara X”, my poster signed in person by all the cast of the second Tomb Raider movie… there are a lot of items. 
  This month I had the opportunity to meet with Alicia Vikander (next actress of Lara Croft) here in Madrid and she signed me a poster of the movie. I am also very proud of it. I think she will do an outstanding job, she is very friendly and a very passionate actress.)

【古墓丽影中国】吉尼斯世界纪录收藏家罗德里戈·马丁独家专访 【古墓丽影中国】吉尼斯世界纪录收藏家罗德里戈·马丁独家专访

  记者: 当你得到一份收藏品时,你通常会打开还是保留在原包装里?还是会同时购买两件,一件做收藏另外一件用来把玩?(Once you get an item, do you usually open it up or keep it in the original package? Or, would you buy two identical items, one for collection, the other one for personal?)

  罗德里戈: 我一般会把收藏品保留在原包装里,也有一些人偶是脱离了包装的,但是还是会密封保存好。我总是尽全力把所有物品保留在最好的状态,但是有时候一些物品因为时间的问题也有不可避免的折旧。
  (Usually I try that all my items have their original packaging. I have some figures out of the box, but it's something inevitable to expose. I always try to have all the newest as possible but must take into account that there are objects that have many years and it is impossible to avoid the passage of time.)

  记者:你是如何保存这些收藏品的?有没有特殊保护?(How do you keep all the collections? Any special protections?)

  罗德里戈: 我目前有两个房间保存这些收藏品,我希望未来有能力把他们都存放在一个更大的空间内。我的梦想是建立一个古老的埃及古墓的格局,然后把我的所有收藏品都放在一个大大的玻璃展示柜里。
   (I have my collection divided into two houses because it is impossible to gather it all in one space. I hope to put all together in one place in the future, with large glass exhibitors and an environment that resembles an ancient Egyptian tomb.)

  记者:你有没有对你的收藏品做记录?(Do you keep a journal for all the items?)

  罗德里戈: 有的,我用EXCEL纪录我的所有收藏品,这也是为了吉尼斯世界纪录的统计要求,我会把所有收藏品都做相应的归类。
  (Yes, I have an EXCEL list with all the items divided by categories. I had to make a list to count all the items for the Guinness World Records, and since then I keep it updated to take control.)


  记者:拥有如此多数量的古墓丽影收藏品,你有没有未来建立纪念馆的打算呢?(Do to the enormity of your collects have you ever thought of creating some kind of memorabilia museum of all your pieces?)

  罗德里戈: 这一直是我的一个梦想,我可能得先申请相关的执照,我欢迎水晶动力和Square Enix能提供相关的提议。去年我和微软公司有过沟通,就是把所有展品做一个官方公开展示,但最后因为场地等问题未能实现。
 (Yes, is one of my dreams. I may need an official license for it. I am open to proposals by Crystal Dynamics and Square Enix. Last year I received an offer from Microsoft to organize an official exhibition but finally could not take place.)

  记者:关于漫画收藏,我们知道漫画通常会有一些不同的版本,对于普通的玩家,我们很难知道官方发行的所有不同版本,你有什么渠道知道吗?这个问题同样针对其他相关收藏品?对于发行的不同版本,你是如何辨别并得到准确的发行信息?(Many comic books have lots of versions or character arcs, how did you get the information of all the different versions and get your hands on the rare issues? This question also applies to other items which have many versions, as fans, it’s hard to find out the existence of the rare items. What is your resource for that?)

  罗德里戈: 我通常会通过网络搜索找寻所有的版本(漫画的不同封面),然后打印下来一份带有不同封面的清单,然后照着清单去一一搜寻。
  ( You can usually find online lists with all the editions of the comics with their covers. I personally printed one of those lists with the covers and always have on hand to locate rare versions.)

  记者:作为一名资深的古墓丽影收藏家,能给其他古墓丽影收藏家一些在收藏上的建议吗?(While we have talked about the process of collecting with in our community on the site. Do you have any words of wisdom or advice to the beginner just entering the game of collecting?)

  ( In the world of collectibles you have to be very patient person to try and find good prices, no need to hurry and certainly not focus this passion only in all the aspects of your life. )

  记者:恭喜获得吉尼斯世界纪录,你的下一步目标是什么?(Finally we would like to offer our Congrats on winning the world record, what is your next goal now?)

  罗德里戈: 谢谢你们。我下一步的计划是能将所有的收藏品集中在一个特殊的大的空间里,然后继续我的“盗墓”之旅。
  (Thank you so much guys, probably my next goal will be to put all my stuff together in a unique and huge place and keep raiding. )


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