[#2663][斯克里伯勒滋之石4:亚历山大之龙(Skribblerz Stonez 4 - The Dragon of Alexandria)]下载
Lara is searching for four more Skribblerz Stones, which have been hidden away in secret temples and tombs around the world.
[#2662][龙之联盟(League of the Dragons)]下载
[#2661][民俗学者日记3:仙境编年史(Folklorist Diary III - Chronicles of Terabithia)]下载
[#2660][被遗忘的计划(The Forgotten Project)]下载
[#2658][劳拉的散步(Laras Stroll)]下载
[#2657][德古拉伯爵归来(Draculas Return)]下载
During her journey through the snowy forests of Transylvania, Lara Croft finds the diary of the recently deceased vampire killer Abraham Van Helsing in a graveyard. She finds out that Count Dracula is
[#2656][死寂的藏书楼(Silence of the Library)]下载
Lara recently discovered an old newspaper article about a fortuneteller who was mysteriously murdered in an amusement park. The article went on to suggest that the fortunetellers fame was attributable
[#2654][黄金之城(The Golden City)]下载
After travelling through the hot desert for 3 weeks, Lara finds the entrance of the old, lost golden city she read about. Now she is going to try to find the Throne room of the ancient ruins but soon
[#2653][探索2:神秘的时钟(The Quest 2 - The Mysterious Clock)]下载
After Laras rescue she ran through the black wall and suddenly flashing lights surrounded her. She becomes unconscious and after some time she wakes up in a new dimension, seemingly floating in the ai
[#2652] [古墓丽影:司祭盎(试玩版)(Tomb Raider - The Scion (Demo))]下载
[#2651/trle2656][一个短暂的冒险(A Short Adventure)]下载
[#2650][长城(The Great Wall)]下载
This is a Remake of the first level from the great game Tomb Raider II. Lara Croft is on her way to find the Dagger of Xian.
[#2649][假面圣殿(Temple of the Mask)]下载
Lara travels to South America to find a magical mask which gives immortality and extraordinary powers whom wear it. This mask is a double-edged sword because it can be used to cause destruction or to
[#2648][俄罗斯山脉(Russian Mountains)]下载
Lara hears about a secret Soviet base hidden in the Russian mountains. There are rumours that people in the villages nearby have gone issing. The Soviets must be the ones behind it. So she decides to
[#2647][到达顶部(Reach the Top)]下载
[#2646 ] [法老的陷阱(Traps of the Pharao)]下载
[#2645] [熔岩圣殿(The Lava Temple)]下载
Lara was surprised when a huge cloud of snow and ice suddenly appeared on the horizon. She quickly started to look for some shelter in this northern wilderness, but the only one she found was a dark a