[#2528][复活节快乐(Frohe Ostern)] 下载
Lara is searching for the Easter Bunny family and has some things to do.
[#2527][从前(试玩版)(Once Upon A Time - Demo)] 下载
Once upon a time there was a winter so cold that it seemed it would have never left Earth, even with the arrival of April. In an icy, yet clear night, a young girl named Lara was standing on a balcony
[1543/trle1442][超越埃及(Egypt and Beyond)]下载
[1543/trle1442][超越埃及(Egypt and Beyond)]流程攻略
[1706/trle1591][实验3(第二部):布达佩斯(The Experiment 3 Part 2 - Budapest)]视频攻略
[2526/trle2524][骸骨宫殿(Bones Palace)]下载
The Sands of Time has been stolen from the Smithsonian. Lara has been summoned to retrieve the object that has been transported high up in the mountains to a place called Bones Palace. There has been
[#2525/trle2523][四把遗失的钥匙(Four Lost Keys)]下载
Lara is back in action! In this short adventure she must find the 4 keys that open up a secret passage, but there's not much time - Natla's goons already know about these keys and they will do whateve
[#2523][皇陵(Emperor's Tomb)]下载
It is a joke level somewhere in China. No enemies, or secrets, just enjoy optical illusion of pagoda. Includes special vehicle based on tr2 snowmobile: oldtimer Austin
[#2522][搜索黄金头骨(Search for the Golden Skull)]下载
Lara has started a new adventure to find the Golden Skull in Egypt. She is now going to travel and take adventure in a deadly underground temple just to get what she wants. Could she succeed in taking
2011, the year with most UFO sightings and alien abduction episodes.. This time it is up to Lara Croft.. but are the aliens really responsible for these abductions? And most of all, because they have
[#2520][深入洞窟(Deep in the Caves)]下载
After leaving her friends house, Lara saw a skeleton hanging from a weird structure and she decides to explore a bit. Exploring the cave, she sees that she is not the first who wanted to do it...
[#2519/trle2519][寻找因法达之石(Hunt for the Infada Stone)]下载
Tony, one of the main enemies from Tomb Raider 3, survived the fight against Lara Croft and still tries to get one of the meteor stones. He finds out that a second Infada Stone exists, located on an i
[2499/trle2500/trc2469][阿瓦隆的迷雾:最初的线索(Mists of Avalon - First Clues)]视频攻略
[#1925][罗马第六胜利军团(Legio VI Victrix)]视频攻略
[#2517][寂静岭:一路向下(试玩版)(Silent Hill - The Way Down (Demo))]下载
After a car accident Lara finds herself in the middle of the roads of Silent Hill. There seems to be no way out, as the streets have mysteriously broken away.
[#2518][埃及大挑战(Egyptian Challenge)]下载
[#2516][丹斯德拉克钻石(The Damsdrak Diamond)]下载
Lara is in search of the fabled titular diamond.You can guess the rest.
[#2515][当时钟指向午夜(When the Clock strikes Twelve)]下载
The Elite Four, headed by a certain Gary Oak, are a group whose main aim it is to turn the friendly area of Kanto into what can only be described as a battlefield full of wild monsters and people, kno
[#2514][大地神殿(Temple of Earth)]下载
It has only been discovered a few centuries ago that the Earth is sphere shaped, before that the people of the world believed it was flat. Or did they? Underneath an old library in Rome, Lara discover