古墓丽影1 tomb raider 古墓丽影2 西安匕首 tomb raider The Dagger of Xi'an 古墓丽影3 劳拉的冒险 tomb raider Adventures of Lara Croft 古墓丽影4 最后的启示 tomb raider The Last Revelation 古墓丽影5 历代记 tomb raider Chronicles 古墓丽影6 黑暗天使 tomb raider The Angel of Darkness 古墓丽影7 传奇 tomb raider Legend
Tomb Raider

The Dagger of Xi'an

Adventures of Lara Croft

The Last Revelation

Tomb Raider: Chronicles

The Angel of Darkness

Tomb Raider: Legend

古墓丽影 周年纪念 tomb raider Anniversary
古墓丽影8 地下世界 tomb raider Underworld
劳拉与光之守护着 光明守护者 Lara Croft and The Guardian Of Light
古墓丽影9 tomb raider 2013
劳拉与奥西里斯神庙 Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris
古墓丽影:崛起 Rise of The Tomb Raider
古墓丽影:暗影 Shadow of the Tomb Raider

Tomb Raider: Anniversary

Tomb Raider: Underworld




Rise of The Tomb Raider

Shadow of the Tomb Raider


发表时间:2019/03/23 00:00:00  来源:古墓丽影中国  作者:ZZer  浏览次数:3616  
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  2019年3月21日,第17届游戏音频网络协会(G.A.N.G.)年度颁奖典礼在旧金山的GDC举行,有6项提名的《古墓丽影:暗影》最终获得了“最佳原声专辑(Best Original Soundtrack Album)”和“最佳互动得分(Best Interactive Score)”两项游戏音频网络协会大奖(the Game Audio Network Guild Awards)。


  《古墓丽影:暗影》之前获得了包括“年度音频(Audio of The Year)”、“年度声音设计(Sound Design of the Year)”、“最佳过场动画音频(Best Cinematic Cutscene Audio)”、“最佳游戏音频出版物、演示或广播(Best Game Audio Publication, Presentation, or Broadcast)”,以及“最佳原声专辑(Best Original Soundtrack Album)”和“最佳互动得分(Best Interactive Score)”共6项游戏音频网络协会大奖提名。


Audio of The Year

Battlefield V - EA DICE
Far Cry 5 - Ubisoft Montreal
Marvel's Spider-Man - Insomniac Games
God of War - Santa Monica Studios - WINNER
Moss - Polyarc
Assassin's Creed Odyssey - Ubisoft
Shadow of the Tomb Raider - Eidos Montreal & Crystal Dynamics

Music of the Year

Torn - Aspyr Games
Far Cry 5 - Ubisoft Montreal
God of War - Santa Monica Studios - WINNER
Moss - Polyarc
Forgotton Anne - ThroughLine Games
Frostpunk - 11 bit studios

Sound Design of the Year

Marvel's Spider-Man - Insomniac Games
Battlefield V - EA DICE
Shadow of the Tomb Raider - Eidos Montreal & Crystal Dynamics
God of War - Santa Monica Studios - WINNER
Moss - Polyarc

Best Original Soundtrack Album

Where the Water Tastes Like Wine - Ryan Ike
Pode - Austin Wintory
Battlefield V - Johan Söderqvist, Patrik Andrén, Fredrik Möller and Joel Eriksson
Far Cry 5 - Dan Romer
Shadow of the Tomb Raider - Brian D'Oliveira - WINNER
Frostpunk - Piotr Musiał
Torn - Garry Schyman

Best Interactive Score

Shadow of the Tomb Raider - Eidos Montreal & Crystal Dynamics - WINNER
God of War - Santa Monica Studios
Artifact - Valve
Tetris Effect - Enhance, Inc., Monstars Inc., and Resonair
Marvel's Spider-Man - Insomniac Games
Wandersong - Greg Lobanov

Best Cinematic Cutscene Audio

Marvel's Spider-Man - Insomniac Games
God of War - Santa Monica Studios - WINNER
Battlefield V - EA DICE
Shadow of the Tomb Raider - Eidos Montreal & Crystal Dynamics
Assassin's Creed Odyssey - Ubisoft
Far Cry 5 - Ubisoft Montreal

Best Dialogue

God of War - Santa Monica Studios
World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth - Blizzard Entertainment
Far Cry 5 - Ubisoft Montreal
Moss - Polyarc
Assassin's Creed Odyssey - Ubisoft
Battlefield V - EA DICE
Marvel's Spider-Man - Insomniac Games - WINNER

Best Original Instrumental

"Spider-Man" (Marvel's Spider-Man)
"God of War" (God of War)
"Kara Main Theme" (Detroit: Become Human) - WINNER
"Legends Old and New" (Moss)
"Main Theme" (Just Cause 4)

Best Game Audio Publication, Presentation, or Broadcast

"Music for Games Should be More than Just Music" - Olivier Derivière
"The War Bards" - Edouard Brenneisen, Gerard Marino, Chance Thomas, Neal Acree, Emmanuel Lagumbay
"From Trumpets to Transients: A Composer's Guide to Sound Design" - Brad Beaumont, Bonnie Bogovich, John Matz, Matthew Marteinsson, Emmanuel Lagumbay
"The 4 Domains of Audio in Spatial Computing" - Anastasia Devana
"Soundworks Collection Video: Shadow of the Tomb Raider" - Michael Coleman, Rob Bridgett, Frédéric Arnaud, Hugo Léger, Anne-Sophie Mongeau, Brian D’Oliveira - WINNER

Best Music in a Casual/Social Game

Wonka's World of Candy - Zynga
Star Trek Fleet Command - CBS Interactive, Scopely, Digit
Hearthstone: The Boomsday Project - Blizzard Entertainment - WINNER
WarSong - Tencent
Zootopia: Dreaming People - Tencent Games

Best Game Music Cover/Remix

Overwatch Contenders (from Overwatch) - Jason Walsh, Hexany Audio
"Xion" (from Kingdom Hearts) - Project Destati
"Beneath the Mask" (from Persona 5) - Tournament Arc
"Super Mario Bros." - ConSoul - WINNER
"Ballad of the Windfish" (from The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening) - Rozen

Best Sound Design in a Casual/Social Game

Wild Beyond - Strange Sevens
Hearthstone: The Boomsday Project - Blizzard Entertainment - WINNER
Saint Seiya - Tencent TIMI Studio Group
Freedom Fantasy Online Mobile - Tencent
Battle Through the Heaven - Tencent TIMI Studio Group
Wonka's World of Candy - Zynga

Best Original Song

"Right Where We Belong" (Call of Duty: Black Ops 4)
"Only We Remember It Now" (The Banner Saga 3)
"Waiting" (Battle Through the Heaven) - WINNER
"We Will Rise Again" (Far Cry 5)
"K/DA - POP/STARS" (League of Legends)
"Across the Seven Realms" (Bard's Tale IV: Barrows Deep)
"Heavy Hands" (Where the Water Tastes Like Wine)
"Home To Me" (Moss)

Best Original Choral Composition

"Down Among the Dead Men" (Lamplight City)
"Keep of Voices" (Destiny 2: Forsaken)
"Lullaby of the Giants" (God of War) - WINNER
"Aghanim's Obsession" (Artifact)
"Glorifica" (Battlefield V)
"Cree - The Atomic Era (The Drums of Poundmaker)" (Sid Meier's Civilization VI: Rise & Fall)
"Oh the Bliss" (Far Cry 5)

Best Sound Design for an Indie Game

Wandersong - Greg Lobanov
Below - Capybara Games
Moss - Polyarc - WINNER
Bard's Tale IV: Barrows Deep - inXile Entertainment
Yoku's Island Express - Villa Gorilla

Best Music for an Indie Game

Forgotton Anne - Peter Due
Torn - Garry Schyman
Frostpunk - Piotr Musiał
Celeste - Lena Raine
Moss - Jason Graves - WINNER

Best Audio Mix

Battlefield V -  EA DICE
Detroit: Become Human - Quantic Dream
God of War - Santa Monica Studios - WINNER
Red Dead Redemption 2 - Rockstar Games
Marvel's Spider-Man - Insomniac Games

G.A.N.G. / MAGFEST People’s Choice Award (TIE)

Celeste - WINNER (TIE)
Torna ~ The Golden Country (Xenoblade Chronicles 2 DLC)
Octopath Traveler - WINNER (TIE)
Red Dead Redemption 2
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom
Mega Man 11
The Messenger

Best VR Audio

Dr. Grodbort's Invaders - Magic Leap
Moss - Polyarc - WINNER
Project: Create - Magic Leap
Tetris Effect - Monstars Inc.
Torn - Aspyr Media

Lifetime Achievement Award - Elise Baldwin

G.A.N.G. Recognition Award - Damian Kastbauer

Distinguished Service Award - Becky Allen

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