古墓丽影1 tomb raider 古墓丽影2 西安匕首 tomb raider The Dagger of Xi'an 古墓丽影3 劳拉的冒险 tomb raider Adventures of Lara Croft 古墓丽影4 最后的启示 tomb raider The Last Revelation 古墓丽影5 历代记 tomb raider Chronicles 古墓丽影6 黑暗天使 tomb raider The Angel of Darkness 古墓丽影7 传奇 tomb raider Legend
Tomb Raider

The Dagger of Xi'an

Adventures of Lara Croft

The Last Revelation

Tomb Raider: Chronicles

The Angel of Darkness

Tomb Raider: Legend

古墓丽影 周年纪念 tomb raider Anniversary
古墓丽影8 地下世界 tomb raider Underworld
劳拉与光之守护着 光明守护者 Lara Croft and The Guardian Of Light
古墓丽影9 tomb raider 2013
劳拉与奥西里斯神庙 Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris
古墓丽影:崛起 Rise of The Tomb Raider
古墓丽影:暗影 Shadow of the Tomb Raider

Tomb Raider: Anniversary

Tomb Raider: Underworld




Rise of The Tomb Raider

Shadow of the Tomb Raider


发表时间:2012/08/31 00:00:00  来源:古墓丽影网站  作者:ZZer  浏览次数:1898  
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  北美时间星期五 上午10:00 – 12:00、下午2:00 – 4:00
  北美时间星期六 下午1:00 – 5:00
  北美时间星期天 下午1:00 – 5:00


Tomb Raider at PAX 2012!

PAX officially kicks off tomorrow, and the Square Enix team is putting the finishing touches on the booth as we speak. For those of you finding your way into Seattle this afternoon, below is a list of all TR-related activities at the show!

Tomb Raider Hands-on Hunting Demo
Get your hands on Lara’s new adventure at the Square Enix booth (#3625) just inside Exhibition Hall 4B.  Ten kiosks are locked and loaded, conveniently located right next to the Hitman and Sleeping Dogs kits. Why conveniently? Because if you play all three demos as part of the Square Enix Members passport program, you’ll be awarded with a nifty (and limited edition) Tomb Raider art print!

Tweet us using the #TombRaider hashtag to let us know what you thought of the demo!

Xbox 360 Giveaway
As with last few consumer events, we’ve got a handful of extremely rare custom Tomb Raider Xbox 360s to give away. Sign up for a Square Enix Members account at the booth for a chance to win.

Win a Trip to the Spike VGAs
Want to win an all expenses paid trip for two to the VGAs this December? Here’s your chance! One lucky Tomb Raider fan will win by snapping a shot of themselves in front of a designated poster near the Tomb Raider kiosks. Upload it to Instagram using the #VGA hashtag to enter. 

Tomb Raider Trivia
Do you know Tomb Raider like the back of your hand? If so, keep an eye out for Crystal Dynamics Community Manager Meagan Marie (that’s me!) on the PAX show floor for traveling Tomb Raider trivia. Meagan will traverse the show floor for several hours a day, branded in her Tomb Raider tee for easy identification. Come say hello and test your trivia skills, broken down into different difficulty levels with unique prizes on the line.

Tentative schedule below:

Friday:  10:00 AM – 12:00 PM & 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM
Saturday: 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Sunday 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Questions will pull from both the classic franchise and Crystal Dynamics’ newest installment (Tomb Raider, 2013), so be sure to get your hands on the game at the Square Enix booth (Booth #3625) to properly prepare!

Keep an eye on the Tomb Raider Twitter account (@TombRaider) for details as to where Meagan will begin wandering each day.

Meagan will also appear at the Square Enix booth at 5:00 PM on Saturday and Sunday for live-streamed trivia with Square Enix Members. Follow @SQEX_Members_NA for details!

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