在“古墓丽影15周年庆祝活动”期间,艺术家布雷诺克·亚当斯(Brenoch Adams)曾提到过自己已经为《古墓丽影》工作了近4年,职位是晶体动力的高级艺术家(Senior Artist,现在官方微博称他为艺术指导Art Director),工作主要是为古墓丽影游戏系列提供概念设计(在《古墓丽影9》的宣传过程中其实一直没有看到他的身影)。2013年6月22日,布雷诺克将其为《古墓丽影9》创作的部分概念图公布在了其博客中,同期间官方微博也在陆续转载。
The powers that be were kind enough to let me post a small dose of the work I did on Tomb Raider. We were able to crank out just under 2.2k pieces of art as a crew to provide the team with as much detail as we could provide.
I was responsible for all aspects of concept development from characters to storyboards.
We went from a more heavily stylized approach, to a grounded filmic aesthetic. The message was always about survival.”
双枪劳拉(被删除场景)Lara and Dual Pistols (Deleted Scene)
The early days of the world were open and utilized fast traversal mechanics. It matured into a hostile island with hostile inhabitants occupying specific regions.”
The enemy characters went through a similar iteration process. We went from horrific demons, to grounded island cultists. This is one version we were experimenting with.”
早期的清道夫构思 Early Scavenger Ideation
两个塔的连续镜头 Two Towers Sequence
峡谷修道院钟楼 Chasm Monastery Bell Room
马蒂亚斯(以前叫马利克)的秘密研究 Mathias’ (previously Malik) Secret Study
Malibu Grand Prix in Redwood city CA... open for 35+ years... will be closing its doors soon.
I spent my childhood roaming it's arcade, putting on its majestic mini greens, and driving like a rockstar on it's professional regulation tracks with mini go-carts.
You will be missed, o' maker of fun.