作者:BtB Northern Legends
关卡格式: TR4
关卡简介:劳拉从一位老学者朋友那儿知道了一个神话。这个神话讲述了一个叫做Jormungr的古圣杯的故事,奥丁(Oden,北欧神话中的众神之神)想用它来使凡人拥有神一样的能力。为了保护这个圣杯,奥丁让他的一名瓦尔基里(valkeiry,北欧神话中奥丁的侍女们)带着它离开。为了保护它,她将家安置在大山深处,去那儿的唯一办法是浇灌生命之树获得允许。但这可不是件容易差事。冰雪皇后为了抢走圣杯将北欧海盗村的村民变得如鬼怪附体。雷神托尔(Thor,奥丁的长子)知道了所发生的一切,知道圣杯非常危险,于是被派下来为他的父亲收回圣杯。劳拉能够找到圣杯,并保护它不被冰雪女王掠走吗?Lara received word from an old scholar friend about a myth. The myth told the story of an old Chalice, called Jormungr, that oden would use to give mortals the ability to be god like. To protect this Chalice oden gave one of his valkeiry gaurdians the Chalice and sent her off. To protect her she made her home deep in the mountains, the only way to get to her was by watering the tree of life allowing access to her. But thats no easy task. The villagers of the viking village became possessed by the ice queen to retreive the chalice for her. Thor received word of everything happening and was sent down to retreive it for his father, knowing it was endangered. Will Lara be able to find the Chalice and keep it protected from the ice queen? ——翻译“ZZer”