第一章 玻利维亚——蒂瓦纳科(Bolivia - Tiwanaku)
第二章 秘鲁——回到帕拉伊索(Peru - Return to Paraíso)
第三章 日本——会见高本(Japan - Meeting with Takamoto)
第四章 加纳——追踪詹姆斯·拉特兰(西非)(Ghana - Pursuing James Rutland (West Africa))
第五章 哈萨克斯坦——『卡本内克』(Kazakhstan - Project Carbonek)
第六章 英格兰——亚瑟王之墓?(England - King Arthur's Tomb?)
第七章 尼泊尔——加拉利之匙(Nepal - The Ghalali Key)
第八章 玻利维亚——镜子(重返玻利维亚)(Bolivia - The Looking Glass (Bolivia Redux))
本段视频包含《古墓丽影7:传奇》第七章尼泊尔——加拉利之匙全部竞速通关高清视频。作者:Shaun 'Mman' Friend。全章完成时间:0:04:41。录制时间:2008年01月22日。
When sliding down the slope after the plane, you have to shoot while sliding rather than jumping, otherwise the landing slows you down. The ice cave is another area where there are multiple small tweaks are used, there are a couple of parts where I have to pause a short time to ensure the camera aligns right, although it probably isn't noticeable. The outside area full of guards is one of the hardest parts of the level, as it's very easy to get slowed down by a stray gunshot, which is why I thin out their numbers with a grenade, making the area much less risky.
In the lake of floating ice, I have to wait a certain time before I jump to survive, in this case I got it just about right, although I could probably have jumped a second or so earlier. Pulling the box up in the temple is the hardest part of the level, and, unfortunately, right at the end. It's extremely easy to screw up and make the box drop, or take far too long to pull it up, it went well this time and only needed minimal repositioning at the end. The last parts are simple. I have no idea what that black box bug thing below me at the end is, but it has always been there on the PC version for me.